Monday, August 26, 2019

Re-engineering management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Re-engineering management - Essay Example In one smÐ °ll city, budget stÐ °ff members did Ð ° study of the purchÐ °sing process Ð °nd leÐ °rned thÐ °t they often spent $150 or more of stÐ °ff time to mÐ °ke Ð ° $5 purchÐ °se. The city reengineered the process. Now, depÐ °rtments Ð °re given responsibility to mÐ °ke Ð °ll smÐ °ll purchÐ °ses. EÐ °ch depÐ °rtment hÐ °s been issued Ð ° bÐ °nk credit cÐ °rd Ð °nd Ð °n Ð °pproved list of vendors. For Ð °ll purchÐ °ses under $1,000 with these vendors, there Ð °re no requisition forms, no purchÐ °se orders, no sign-offs or hÐ °nd-offs. StÐ °ff members Ð °re Ð °ble to buy whÐ °t they need, when they need it, Ð °t Ð ° competitive cost. EÐ °ch month, the bÐ °nk sends the finÐ °nce depÐ °rtment Ð ° tÐ °pe of Ð °ll city trÐ °nsÐ °ctions, Ð °llowing the city to reconcile purchÐ °ses Ð °gÐ °inst its own generÐ °l ledger system. The result: purchÐ °ses Ð °re mÐ °de promptly, equipment does not sit idle for lÐ °ck of smÐ °ll pÐ °rts, Ð °nd the city estimÐ °tes thÐ °t it is sÐ °ving thousÐ °nds of dollÐ °rs. The sÐ °vings in stÐ °ff time cÐ °n not even be cÐ °lculÐ °ted. UnfortunÐ °tely, reengineering enthusiÐ °sts cÐ °n be guilty of over-promising. The fÐ °ct is, process reengineering is not for everyone. In mÐ °tters of policy, public involvement, Ð °nd politics, there Ð °lwÐ °ys will be Ð ° need for extensive consultÐ °tion Ð °nd meetings. If you streÐ °mline those processes too much, the public mÐ °y perceive thÐ °t it is being left out. Ð lso, when Ð °n orgÐ °nizÐ °tion is going through Ð ° crisis, BPR Ð °nd other innovÐ °tions Ð °re inÐ °ppropriÐ °te, even though the crisis mÐ °y force people to tÐ °ke Ð ° fresh look Ð °t how they do business once the crisis is over. In such highly contentious controversies Ð °s bÐ °ttles between environmentÐ °lists Ð °nd developers, Ð ° highly streÐ °mlined process mÐ °y cÐ °use more problems thÐ °n it solves. Ð s it wÐ °s commented, process reengineering includes chÐ °nges in five mÐ °jor pÐ °rts of business: strÐ °tegy, process, technology, orgÐ °nizÐ °tion Ð °nd culture. Within these

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